Angles Year 4
Angles Year 4 KS2 Maths. Homework help with the types of angles. For Key Stage 2, Year 4 children.
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Right Angles
Right angles are equal to a quarter of a turn or 90┬░.
Looking at angles
Angles can be more than or less than a right angle.
Find the angles in these pictures. Are they more than or less than a right angle?
Types of angles
There are four types of angles. Right angles we already know about. Acute angles are less than a right angle. Obtuse angles are more than a right angle. However, if they are more than a straight line they are reflex angles.
Still having problems working out what an angle is? Use this chart to help you work it out.
Work out if these angles are right angles, acute, obtuse or reflex angles.
Estimating angles
If you want to know how big an angle is you can estimate the angle. To do this, use your knowledge of angles that you do know.
Question: Estimate the angle below.

Your job is to set the angle on the rescue launcher. Can you estimate the angles within 5 degrees?.
Take a look around you. Do you notice all the angles?
Big and small angles
Remember that angles stay the same size if the image is big or small. It doesn’t make a difference to the angle.