Multiplication Year 5

Multiplication games

Multiplication Year 5

Multiplication Year 5 for kids. Maths homework help for children in Key Stage 2 (KS2) Maths at Primary School. Maths homework help.

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Times Tables

In Year 5 you should learn the 7 times tables and 12 times tables.

x7 x12

Multiplying by tens, hundreds and thousands to a decimal place

To times ten to a decimal number you move the number one space to the right to get the answer.

To times one hundred to a decimal number you move the number two spaces to the right to get the answer.

To times one thousand to a decimal number you move the number three spaces to the right to get the answer.

Multiplication games

Penguin JumpPenguin jump
Answer the multiplication questions right and be the first to reach the end.
Use these games to practice your times table skills.
Fun 4 the brainFun 4 the brain
Use these games to practice your multiplication skills.

Free online Maths games

Also on Super Brainy Beans

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