Shapes Year 5 & 6

Shapes for kids

Year 5 & 6

Shapes Year 5 & 6, KS2. Primary homework help with Maths. Shape tessellations and types of lines. Support in Key Stage 2.

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Types of TrianglesTessellations
Learn everything you want to know about tessellations and the rules of forming tessellation patterns.

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Types of TrianglesTypes of Triangles
Find out about the different types of triangles and their properties. Equilateral triangles, isosceles triangles and scalene triangles.


Parallel lines

Parallel lines are the same distance apart no matter how long they are. parallel lines can be straight or curved. All these lines below are parallel.

Parallel Lines

Perpendicular lines

Perpendicular line are lines that are at right angles to each other. The lines do not have to meet to be perpendicular.

Perpendicular Lines

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