Multiplication Year 2
Multiplication Year 2 for kids. Maths homework help for children in Key Stage 1 (KS1) Maths at Primary School. Maths homework help.
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Multiplying sums
A multiplication sum can be done any way round.
3 x 2 will give the same answer as 2 x 3
You can either count in the 3 times table 2 times, or in the two times table 3 times.
Using a number line
A number line can be used in multiplication sums.
2 x 5 can be drawn on a number line in 5 jumps of 2.
Multiplying using a number line
Write out the multiplication sum from what you see on the number line.
Write out the multiplication sum from what you see on the number line.
Multiplication games

Use these games to practice your times table skills.

Use these games to practice your multiplication skills.