Symmetry Year 1 & 2

Symmetry for kids

Year 1 & 2

Symmetry Year 1 & 2 KS1. Maths homework help with line symmetry, reflective symmetry, and shape symmetry.

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Simple symmetry

Simple Symmetry painting

Symmetry is when a shape has two matching half-shapes. You can make a symmetrical pattern with paint and some paper.

  • Take a large piece of paper and fold it in half
  • With wet paint, paint a pattern on one half
  • While the paint is still wet fold the paper over and press it down
  • Open it out to see your symmetrical pattern

Line symmetry or reflective symmetry

Shapes reflective in mirror

Line symmetry is when you can divide the shape in half so they fit exactly onto themselves. You can find out if a shape is symmetrical by either folding it in half or holding a mirror down the centre to see if it looks the same.

Symmetry SortingSymmetry Matching
Complete the picture, shape or pattern by choosing the right half.
Symmetry SortingSymmetry Sorting
Sorting the pictures or letters whether they are symmetrical or not. Choose to sort pictures, shapes or letters.

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Shape Symmetry

Some shapes can be folded in more than one way. We say that this shape has 2 lines of symmetry or 3 or 4...

Here is list of common shapes and how many lines of symmetry they have.


4 lines of symmetry

Square lines of symmetry

5 lines of symmetry

Rectangle lines of symmetry
Isosceles Triangle

1 line of symmetry

Isosceles triangle lines of symmetry
Equilateral Triangle

3 lines of symmetry

Equilateral triangle lines of symmetry

Infinite lines of symmetry

Circle lines of symmetry

2 lines of symmetry

Ellipses lines of symmetry

2 lines of symmetry

Rhombus lines of symmetry

4 lines of symmetry

Trapezium lines of symmetry

5 lines of symmetry

Pentagon lines of symmetry

6 lines of symmetry

Hexagon lines of symmetry

8 lines of symmetry

Octagon lines of symmetry  

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