Money Year 1 & 2
Money Year 1 & 2, KS1. Primary homework help with Maths. Learn pounds, pence, types of coins and giving change.
Pick a level
Sorting coins
Find a coin of each amount and see if you can place them in order of value.

Order the coins from least to greatest value.

Order the the coins on to the money boxes from lowest to highest. Select Ordering.
Coin fun activity
Floow the coins in order to get to the piggy bank.
Floow the coins in order to get to the piggy bank.
Adding coins

Pay the correct amount of money for the toy using the coins.

Add up the coins correctly and find the sum to add them to the piggy bank.

Recognise different denominations of coins. Split bigger coins into smaller to work out change.

Customise your sports car by choosing from the menu and then using the correct coins to pay for each item.

Do you know your coins? Put your knowledge and your money maths to the test as you make up the right amount in pounds or count the coins and select the answer.

Give the right coins to pay the amount shown.

Use the coins from the virtual purse to make various amounts from 20p to £5.00. Scroll down to select Money Match.

Drag coins into a money box and then calculate the money box total. Uses coins 1p to £2.00 to a maximum total of £20.00. Scroll down to select Moneybox to £20.00.

Choose items to buy and then pay for them by dragging coins onto a hand. Scroll down to select White Elephant.
Shop dash activity
Add up the price of the items along each path from the start to one of the checkouts. Which route will cost you more?
Add up the price of the items along each path from the start to one of the checkouts. Which route will cost you more?