Spelling Year 2
Spelling Year 2 KS1. Support on spelling for kids with Super Brainy Beans. Primary homework help with worksheet downloads and online games.
Pick a level
If you find the spellings difficult in your year then try starting with spellings from the year below. It's ok to work lower than the year you are on and fill the gaps rather than struggling at your level without understanding the basics.
Take the Year 2 Spelling Test
Check what your spelling level is with our Year 2 spelling test.
Download all Year 2 spelling worksheets
Download and print out our spelling worksheets for Year 2. 450 words especially selected for kids in Year 2, KS1.
- Uses the Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check method.
- Covers all the essential words to learn in Year 2.
- Print at home.
Learning spellings
The best way to remember your spellings is the look, say, cover, write, check method. Regularly practicing this way will improve your spellings.
Practice your spellings for four days then get someone to test you on the fifth day without looking at the words first.
Download all Year 2 spelling sheets. 450 words especially selected for kids in Year 2, KS1.
Fill in your own words that you get wrong regularly with our blank spelling sheet.
Print off the sheets to make the notepads for the Spelling Test book
Spell all 200 common words
Throughout Year 2 children are expected to learn how to spell the first 200 words which are commonly used in reading and writing.
Some of these do not follow the normal phonic rules and are known as 'tricky' words. Here there is no trick to learning to spell these words they just have to know.
Spelling sheets for the top 200 words.
Print off this checklist of the first 200 words your child should learn to spell.
Vowels & Consonants
There are five vowels in the alphabet.
a e i o u
All the rest of the letters of the alphabet are called consonants.
b c d f g h j k l m n p q s t v w x y z
Slient letters w
Silent w comes before r.
write wrong wrist wriggle
10 words to learn with slient 'w'
Slient letters k & g
Some words have silent letters. Words with silent k or g always have n flowing the silent letter.
know knock gnomes gnat
10 words to learn with slient 'k' and 'g'
Words with j sound
Words with the j sound are spelt by added ge or dge.
bridge badge huge age
10 words to learn with the j sound.

Play games with words that end in dge.
Words ending with y
Words ending with y can make the sound igh.
fly shy terrify
10 words to learn ending with y
Plurals - words ending with y
If a word ends in y there are two ways to spell it as a plural.
If the letter before the y is a vowel (a, e, i, o, u), just add s.
monkey > monkeys
holiday > holidays
If the letter before the y is a consonant (any other letter), change the y into ies.
fly + i + es = flies
baby + i + es = babies
Change the y into i and add es.
10 plural words to learn ending with ies
Adding ed er & est to words ending y
If the word ends with y, change the y into i and add the ending.
reply + i + ed = replied
funny + i + er = funnier
dry + i + est = driest
10 words adding ed er or est.
Adding ing to words ending y
If the word ends with y just add ing.
cry > crying
stay > staying
10 words adding <stronging to words ending with y.
Adding ing ed er est & y
If the word ends with a vowel + consonant then repeat the last letter then adding ing, ed, er, est or y.
trip + p + ing = tripping
hop + p + ed = hopping
pat + t + er = patter
sad + d + est = saddest
fun + n + y = funny
10 words adding ing, ed, er, est or y to words ending with vowel + consonant ending.
Words with ey
These words have the ee sound, spelt ey.
key donkey turkey
10 words with ee sound spelt ey.
Spelling Games

Spell out the 'Tricky Words' in this little bird spelling game

Spell out the 'Tricky Words' in this spooky spelling game

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Suffixes ment ness & ful
Suffixes are groups of letters that can be added to a root word. Suffixes change the meaning of a word to make a new word.
enjoyment kindness playful
10 words with the ment, ness or full suffix.
Suffixes less & ly
If the word end with y, change the y into i and add less or ly.
fearless hopeless
happy + i + ly = happily
10 words with the less or ly suffix.
Contractions 't
A contraction is when a word is made shorter by removing one or more letters. The letter is replaced with an apostrophe '.
can not > can't
did not > didn't
would not > wouldn't
10 words ending with the 't contraction.
Homophones are words that sound the same but mean different things. It's important which spelling you should use.
new / knew
right / write
one / won
20 words homophones with that sound the same but have different spellings.

Watch a video on homophones then take the quiz to test your knowlege.
Here are some common homophones.
Your coat is over there. (a place)
Their coat is by the door. (belonging to someone)
They're playing outside. (short for 'they are')

Watch a video on their, they're and there then take the quiz to test your knowlege.
Where are you going? (a place)
Were you at school today? (past tense of are)
We're going to the cinema. (short for 'we are')
I am going to wear my boots. (meaning to be dressed in something)
Your cat is outside. (belonging to someone)
You're my best friend. (short for 'you are')
I'm off to the seaside today. (to show direction)
I'm going too.(also)
That is too much ice cream! (more of something)
My brother is two today. (the number)

Watch a video on to, too and two then take the quiz to test your knowlege.