Alphabetic Phonics
for Early Years
Alphabetic Phonics for Early Years children. Homework help with starting to be familar with the sounds of phonics.
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Early phonics
Early phonics teaching can start in nursery to help develop listening skills in preparation for Phonics in Reception. There are many ways to do this.
Listening to sounds
Listening and copying different sounds develops a child listening, vocabulary and speaking skills. This can be done in the following ways:
- Go for a walk and notice the sounds you can hear.
- Playing and identifying instruments.
- Listen to songs with actions.
- Learning rhymes.
- Play games such as 'I spy'.
- Empersise the sounds in words when reading simple word books.

Listen to the different sounds, see if you can work out what is making that sound.

Listen the animals coming from the box. Can you work out what animal is making that noise?
When you feel your child is ready you can start them on learning the basic phonic sounds.
Letters: s a t i p n
These letters are learnt first as there are many words you can make with these six letters.
sap sat sin sip sit
tap nap pan pat sat
tap pat sat tin tip pit
pin sin tin tip sip
pan pat pin pip pit
pan nap pin sin tin
Words that can be sounded out using s, a, t, p, i and n