Writing for
Year 1
Writing for Year 1 KS1. English homework help with sequencing sentences, planning what to write and checking your work.
Pick a level
Planning what to write
Before you write, say out loud what you are going to write. Does your sentence sound right? Once it sounds ok, write it down.
Checking your work
Once you have finished your writing, read it out loud to see if it makes sense. Happy with it? That's great! Think you could change something to make it sound better? Then do it!
For a final check read your work clearly to someone.
Sequencing sentences
To tell a good story you have get get the story in the right order. Use the games and worksheets below to test your sequencing skills.
Snowman Sequence
Put the story of the boy building a snowman in order.
Put the story of the boy building a snowman in order.
Tips for parents
- Always say something positive about your child's writing
- Praise what they have written not how they have written it.
- Let them know you are focusing on - their ideas not spelling and handwriting.